WWE Superstars as cats! Check out the slideshow below. Make sure to check out all the awesome WWE and Cat content we curated in honor of Wrestlemania. The Undertaker video is pretty yarn funny we BOleve. There are some hidden gems here. Also make sure you tweet @CatsAndVR using the secret hashtags that can be reached from this page somehow for a chance to win something I will randomly chose. Also if you are going to be watching Wrestlemania come and join the CatsAndVR.com team as we do a Blab event on April 3rd and talk about matches, the state of WWE and other promotions as well as tossing in some Cats and VR stuff as well. Peace and may your 9 lives be lived well.
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No cats were harmed in this video and CatsAndVR.com condemns animal abuse. We do have a sense of humor though and enjoy internet memes. We support Animal rescue, adoption, and cruilty free products.
Cats And VR.