Best Of VR at TechCrunch Disrupt SF....did not include anything using an Oculus Rift.
One of the big issues with working for a VR startup in Biz Dev while also running a VR blog is that your bandwidth ends up at some pre cable modem levels. Well I was at TechCrunch Disrupt SF recently and I am only now getting the chance to post. I mean outside of a little small time Oculus news yesterday.
Ironically Oculus does not make any best of TechCrunch Disrupt SF list cause the only presence was a giveaway. Well I think devs have been making a choice on their VR platform of choice before the recent Palmer Luckey news.
I decided to set up the post as the Best Of VR from TechCrunch Disrupt SF and even got Kent Bye to give CatsAndVR his VR impressions. If the reactions of people at the event are any indicator it looks like music will be big. Projects like SoundSpaceVR and The WaveVR are getting lots of attention.
Best Of Best Of VR at TechCrunch Disrupt SF-MUSIC
This is the SoundSpaceVR prototype that was shown at TechCrunch Disrupt SF 2016.
Best Of VR at TechCrunch Disrupt SF- Television Tie-ins
Who says $3X does not sell anymore? Well HBO knows that is a lie and was able to have people salivating at a chance to check out their Westworld VR experience. I guess HBO never got the booth babe memo. All in All it was actually pretty darn good and perhaps one of the best instances I have seen where gameplay and 360° video have meshed perfectly.
Best Of VR at TechCrunch Disrupt SF- Marketing...I mean thats what its all about for major companies....right.
Well Toyota did a great job of doing that with its Tilt Brush-esq experience matched with a driving experience that made their Prius prime look pretty darn cool. The staff on hand was super helpful and Toyota left a great impression with me.
The one thing all of these had in common is that they were on HTC VIVE. So hey Oculus and Palmer....looks like you have some issues on your hand right now.