Kingspray's VR Graffiti Simulator is going to be DOPE!
One of my favorite video games of all time is Jet Set Radio, as a kid I loved running around the city escaping the law and painting the town red...and yellow, green, blue, and purple (rip prince)
I once tried to pitch SEGA to do Jet Set for Kinect as I felt it was a perfect platform for virtual graffiti. Well I hope the Kingspray team were also inspired by Jet Set Radio because when I saw their promo video I immediately thought of that game. I want to put on a SubPac unit, blast some Company Flow, and jump into a VR world of Graf.
HTC Vive seems to currently be the platform of choice for Virtual Art with Tilt Brush already being a killer app and now Kingspray Graffiti Simulator VR. One of the most important elements of VR for me is the new levels of expression that exists. I am excited to see what newbs and legends do with this app. How long until a Banksy or Invader creates a dope VR piece? How long until we give disabled children the chance to create inspirational graf pieces?
Check out the promo video for Kingspray Graffiti Simulator and check out some of the dope pieces already created by the beta community. After that, see what real world piece in San Francisco is inspiring me.
According to the official Kingspray site: "It’s currently still in development, we plan on releasing a closed beta early next week (16th May) for the HTC Vive VR. Once we have ironed out any remaining issues it will be available on the Steam store. We will be posting this out once it’s available"
Here's a quick run through how some of the features work. The game will be available via SteamVR next week. We will be posting another update when its dropped. Music: Anitek Song: Distance Album: ShiHo Support: