ANNOUNCING: ACCOUNTING FOR THE HTC VIVE the first game from Justin Roiland's Squanchtendo studio.
A complimentary VR game by award winning indie darling Crows Crows Crows and newly announced VR studio Squanchtendo, available this month. This unholy collaboration brings The Stanley Parable designer William Pugh, Rick And Morty creator Justin Roiland, and Epic Games veteran Tanya Watson together for what seems like a game developed on lies and love.
Polygon wrote a piece about how William Pugh got together with Justin Roiland.
"Last month, Rick and Morty co-creator Justin Roiland announced that he was partnering with Epic Games veteran Tanya Watson to launch a games studio focused on high-quality VR experiences. Today, Squanchtendo (yes, that’s their actual name) announces their first project: a game called Accounting, which Roiland is designing in collaboration with The Stanley Parable designer William Pugh.
So how did a notoriously funny Los Angeles-based writer and TV producer get tied up with a notoriously funny West Yorkshire-based game designer?
The answer is simple: Pugh lied to him.
"William lied to me and said he worked at [Titanfall 2 developer] Respawn," Roiland told Polygon at PAX West earlier this month. "I was in the building where Respawn's offices were, and I wanted a tour. I was like, ‘Oh my god, maybe if I tweet, somebody [at Respawn] will see it and give me a tour.’"
Justin Roiland and Tanya Watson from Squanchtendo and William Pugh of Crows Crows Crows discuss their first VR collaboration via our friends at Road To VR.